Our online website skills resource has all the top quality skills tests available for children to practice and improve in all subjects at home, at school and to prepare for SATs.

Our online skills are an enjoyable experience for children and include progress monitoring and many other tools for parents to help the children gets the most out of the subscribed services.

We believe short and frequent sessions help children learn more. A 30 to 50 minutes session a day can significantly improve a child's progress in school. There is no need for a child to be frightened of SATs. We have many online resources, test papers. We are also the first company to bring interactive SATs for practice. These provide children instant response to their answers and can improve the test result significantly.


In the United Kingdom children are taught a range of subjects in the primary education. Schools assess progress of children throughout their learning. Here are some important facts to keep in mind to help your child.

  •  SATs start and the end of year 2 and year 6.

  •  SATs start with assessment in the areas of English and Maths. These are;

  •  Grammar and Punctuation.





  •  Year 1 children are given a short phonics assessment by the age of 6. This screen check is for teacher to identify children who may require extra support with their reading skills.

  •  Children require further help re-take assessment in Year 2.

  •  Key Stage 1 tests are marked by the teacher within the school.

  •  Key Stage 2 tests are externally marked.

  •  The test results are organised as scaled score.

  •  The score 100 presents the national standard.


Here at FreeTeacher we have applied a great effort to our skills modules to help children improve their progress in school, at home and for SATs. We understand that SATs can potentially be quite stressful. Our online interactive skills are designed to improve confidence and prepare children for success in their education goals.




At FreeTeacher we aim to provide free fun ways for parents and educators to support children with learning and development skills.




Thank you so much for creating this, it provides fantastic, simple and effective practice. . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Tring
Really helpful science resources for my daughter's upcoming biology test. . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Mawneys
I have come across this site by chance after getting my 7 year old's school work . . . read more
United Kingdom, Scotland, Cardross
Excellent website Free Teacher! Very Useful Please consider allowing teachers . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Doddington
Thank you very much for such an excellent resource and thanks for sharing your work. . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Collingtree
I would like to say thank you. This website is providing us all the past sat papers . . . read more
United Arab Emirates, Dubayy, Dubai
Oh my goodness... I cannot tell you what this means to me. My daughter started school in Germany . . . read more
Germany, Baden-Wurttemberg, Ulm
I have moved up level this has really help me a lot. I will continue using this site . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Maidenhead
It is great service and lots of help to our children. Amazing keep up the . . . read more
United Kingdom, England, Scunthorpe


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